Book Release Project Horizon

Phoenix Splinter

Government conspiracy. Secret society. Alien ties. It all comes together for a fast-paced science fiction thriller.

Phoenix Splinter is the first book in the Project Horizon series by Branli Caidryn. The book centers around a nineteen-year-old Keith Groenewald. He’s an escaped experiment from Area Fifty-One, a top secret military base. Veluz, a powerful and morally ambiguous secret society, keeps Keith’s whereabouts from the government hands that seek his return. In exchange, Keith is part of Veluz’s elite mercenary-for-hire force, Karma.

The book is an introduction into the complex world of Veluz as a world kingpin, manipulating every facet of society for monetary gain. As the series unfolds, and Veluz’s agenda, we come to the frightening realization that there is so much more than Veluz.

You can pick up the ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other online retailers. Print version to be released soon!

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